all postcodes in S63 / MEXBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
S63 8AA153.518519-1.31558
S63 8AB053.519051-1.315724
S63 8AD053.51905-1.317291
S63 8AE253.519794-1.316723
S63 8AF053.519505-1.3181
S63 8AG053.522066-1.318238
S63 8AH053.52373-1.318407
S63 8AJ053.52483-1.317424
S63 8AL153.524991-1.315687
S63 8AN053.524059-1.319412
S63 8AP053.523404-1.321112
S63 8AQ053.522736-1.319072
S63 8AR053.522074-1.319625
S63 8AS053.522041-1.321602
S63 8AT053.522104-1.320198
S63 8AU053.520803-1.318997
S63 8AW053.523469-1.31998
S63 8AX053.520817-1.319781
S63 8AY053.520177-1.319326
S63 8AZ053.520174-1.320576